May 2022
One Size Fits All: How a Bespoke CRM Solution Can Benefit Any Business

Every business is different (just call us Captain Obvious), so finding a CRM solution that perfectly works for yours can be incredibly time consuming. There are many options out there and you want to make sure you pick one that suits your business’ needs. Being a cost effective solution wouldn’t hurt either.
Whatever your business, a bespoke CRM solution is the perfect option. With its customisability and adaptability, a bespoke solution could be the answer to all of your problems (business problems, at least). Whether you’re a small business, a growing business or already well established, a bespoke CRM solution could be just the ticket to run things smoothly, let’s take a look at how…
For Small Businesses
What do all small business owners want? Growth!
A bespoke CRM will help you achieve that growth by getting those good businesses practices in early, maybe even from day one depending how new your business is. And what better way to welcome yourself in to the business world than with a powerful CRM tool that will help you set the standard for your customer service, keep sales records, build detailed reports and more? Because your CRM keeps so much data stored away, you can take a good hard look at your business’ situation with those detailed (and automatically generated) reports – inform your strategy as you go this way, and you can keep your business happy.
For the Growing Business
What do you need when your business is growing? Flexibility!
A bespoke CRM offers all the flexibility your growing business could need. Off-the-shelf CRM solutions have a habit of focussing on one target market – a bespoke tool is adaptable to your business at any stage. Being fully customisable with handy third-party support will allow you to build on and expand your bespoke CRM as your business grows around it. You’ll find boosting profits, exploring the market and growing your team remotely much more manageable with a bespoke CRM solution.
As businesses grow it can sometimes be a little tricky to find in-house staff at a rate you need them, or it can be difficult to make room in-house. So a lot of growing businesses take to remote working as an option to get work done without having to cover the costs of additional office space. Your bespoke CRM is hosted in the Cloud so it presents a perfect opportunity for your business to grow remotely.
For an Established Business
What does any well-established business need? Consistency.
A bespoke CRM solution has handy third party support that makes it just as useful to a large business as it is to a start-up. Changing up your CRM doesn’t have to put the brakes on or cause a huge fuss either – a bespoke solution will offer you consistency in the interim of change by allowing you to bring all the apps you currently find value in together in to one neat package. A bespoke CRM really is an all-in-one solution.
Just because your business is well-established, that doesn’t mean growth is off the table. Just as with a smaller business, your bespoke CRM can help you achieve that growth by limiting time spent on time consuming process. Thanks to automation tools you could be doing things like building reports in seconds with that data contained in your CRM. Use those reports to inform your business strategy, figure out what your money makers are (and don’t be afraid to look at where you’re losing money – you can’t fix a problem ignored) and see where all those little areas to improve are.
Your established business could be a monopoly in no time!
If you’re interested in finding out more about how Lunar’s bespoke CRM solution can be tailor built to your business’ size, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch to arrange a free demo!